Friendly land, a land "with a soul", Emilia Romagna offers magnificent places to discover, treasures of art, beautiful panoramas. It is formed by two historical regions, Emilia, that is the western part, and the area towards the Adriatic sea, Romagna. Most of the cities was founded by the Roman, and still today they are rich of artistic testimonies of their past.
Emilia Romagna is one of the regions that has a lot of gastronomical products. It is famous the pasta, as the garganelli, the tortellini, the lasagne, the gnocchi and the tagliatelle with ragù. Other delicacy of Emilia Romagna is the salami, the prosciutto of Parma, the culatello, the coppa piacentina and the zampone. Not to forget is the Parmesan, the cheese that is famous all over the world.